April 19, 2009


A story of a cautious mind,somewhat an Illuminati,the all-seeing eye,of pure substance and depth. Unparalelled seer,that has been adored by many,many.The stereotyped world,this mind would chameleonise,this mind would assimilate like no other. Almost too immature to pose a great challenge to this, Almost too young to compare.

If only times were simpler,if only the world was bigger,just maybe,just maybe,the casualties would be negligable.If only the scheme of things could be disobeyed.

April 10, 2009

Red Herring

To seek Genesis after one's repentance of the past,the crusade that brought blood on their hands,is merely a wishful thinking.Everlasting memories,haunted memories that causes illogical actions,simply impossible.

While the thinking majority,foolishness struck their brains,negativity that runs deep in their veins,that omits retrospective statements,i am stunned,i am shocked.i am too small to interfere this sickness.i am too little to be heard.

My simple wish is to evade this cycle,this complex network of unnecessary opinions.